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Pharmacist development group help you to remember, revise & educate all pharmacy fields via simple lectures and short videos whitch make the pharmacy learning is really enjoyable

the work of the small intestin

secretion of thyroxin hormone

  • What is the role of the following in thyroxin hormone secretion : hypothalamus, anterior loop of pituitary gland & thyroid gland?
  • What is the meaning of : TRH, TSH & negative feedback?
  • How do the levels of TSH, TRH & thyroxin affect each other?


Understanding of acne

    • What is the relationship between acne and sebaceous gland, sebum & comedos?
    • What do you know about acne causes, acne treatment, & acne sites on the body?
    • Sometimes comedos become with white heads and sometimes with black heads. Why?

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prozac (fluxetin) mechanism of action

  • What is the meaning of SSRI ?  
  • What is the relation between serotonine and the mood ?
  •  How does serotonine level is affected by fluxetine (prozac) & MAO ?

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