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Pharmacist development group help you to remember, revise & educate all pharmacy fields via simple lectures and short videos whitch make the pharmacy learning is really enjoyable

Gleevecs mechanism of Action

How glivec work ? ...

what is multiple sclerosis

what is multiple sclerosis . How the nerve impulance is transet ? what is myelin sheet and what is its function ? how the multi sclerosis occur ? ...

Understanding of strok


Penicllin mechanism of action


T Cell Development


Neural Synapse

How does a neurotransmitter as acetyl-choline transfer at a chemical synapse? What is the meaning of  presynapse , postsynapse , action potential , synaptic cleft ? What is the role of neuro-transmitters vesicles, docking proteins & endocytosis in this process? a2a_linkurl=""...

Action potential animation


Action potiential



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